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Electricity usage

Description: Number of kilowatt-hours used in a residential home over a 3.5 month period, 25 November 2011 to 17 March 2012.
Data source: Electricity usage as recorded by the local utility company on an hour-by-hour basis. A coding for on-peak (10.8c/kWh), mid-peak (9.2c/kWh) and off-peak (6.2c/kWh) usage is also given.
Data shape: 2712 rows and 5 columns
Usage restrictions: None
Contact person: Kevin Dunn
Contact details:
Added here on: 18 March 2012 15:58
Last updated: 11 November 2018 16:33


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Tags for this dataset

univariate time-series
(c) Kevin Dunn,