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Kamyr digester

Description: Pulp quality is measured by the lignin content remaining in the pulp: the Kappa number. This data set is used to understand which variables in the process influence the Kappa number, and if it can be predicted accurately enough for an inferential sensor application.
Data source:

Variables with a number at the end have been lagged by that number of hours to line up the data.

Dayal et al. "Application of feedforward neural networks and partial least squares regression for modelling Kappa number in a continuous Kamyr digester", Pulp and Paper Canada, 95, 1994, p T7-T13.

Data shape: 301 rows and 22 columns
Usage restrictions: Unknown
Contact person: Kevin Dunn
Contact details:
Added here on: 21 October 2011 6:56
Last updated: 11 November 2018 16:33


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Tags for this dataset

multivariate missing-data time-series
(c) Kevin Dunn,